Fjordløbet Randers

Sunday 14 August 2016


332 pladser
From 16 years
DKK 150.00
Until 15 years
DKK 75.00
229 pladser
From 16 years
DKK 100.00
Until 15 years
DKK 50.00
Ledige pladser
From 16 years
DKK 60.00
Until 15 years
DKK 30.00
Ledige pladser
From 16 years
DKK 50.00
Until 15 years
DKK 25.00
First select among Distancer

Assentoft Cykelmotion
Køb en resultat SMS for kr. 5,-
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Jeg accepterer, at arrangøren må kontakte mig på den oplyste e-mail omkring næste års arrangement.

SAVE - Your registration is added to the group Assentoft Cykelmotion and the group leader will receive a notice. Your registration is not valid until the group leader has paid it. You will be notified by email when it is paid.