VRK: Workshop med Sk8skool v/Sutton Atkins

Sunday 5 June 2016

Denne workshop handler om at få forfinet sin teknik, med håb om at blive hurtigere til efterårets halv- og helmaraton. Sutton vil gennemgå noget grundlæggende teknik, samt uddybe de tre begreber: Double Push - Power Box - Technical Gearing. Læs engelsk beskrivelse nedenfor

Vi mødes ved ”Den røde port” kl. 11.00 og kører til den anden side af Amager Naturcenter, hvor vi træner på en 3 km snorlige strækning.

Workshoppen varer i 2 timer, kl. 11.00 - 13.00.


  • Vrk-medlemmer: 50 kr.
  • ikke-medlemmer: 100 kr.

30 pladser

Tilmeldingsfristen er forlænget til 5. juni kl 10.00.

Double Push - Power Box - Technical Gearing

The focus is on going faster in Berlin, 3 months out and just enough time to really make a difference to your Berlin time. The workshop will cover some basic techniques that most skaters are imperfect at, but that can give a great deal of speed if executed in the correct manner. This demands a thorough explanation, and this is something that Sk8skool prides itself on; explaining the smallest details of complicated bio-mechanics in an understandable way.

We will also look at how to get more speed from our 'Power Box' but with less effort. Another aspect we will cover is the concept of 'Technical Gearing' and how to use our bodies and skates in different ways in different situations, to achieve greater speed. We will obviously be covering (and clearing up some misconceptions) about how to Double-Push effectively, and explaining how and why it works. These are just a couple of examples of the content, the rest is top secret, you'll have to come and find out ;-)

We hope to give you enough new information, and new drills to keep you busy in practice for the next few months. We'll also have time for a question and answer session at the end to explain and/or demonstrate anything YOU want to know.

Link: Read more

Organizer contact info

Vesterbro Rulleskøjte Klub

Meeting / starting place

Den Røde Port
Finderupvej 99
2770 Kastrup
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