20 - 23 March 2025
Billetsalg er åbent til 23-03-2025 at 20:00
- Internationalt World Ranking event for Islandsheste!
ICEHORSE FESTIVAL er et internationalt WRL-stævne for islandsheste afholdt på en indendørs 250 m ovalbane i Equsana Arena, MCH Messecenter Herning fra torsdag d. 20. til søndag d. 23. marts 2025.
Til ICEHORSE FESTIVAL kan du opleve et fuldt pakket program fra tidlig morgen til sen aften med omkring 300 sportsekvipager fra hele Europa i sport A og B klasser, lækre salgsheste, udklædningstølt og kloge foredragsholdere. Shoppe grej kan du naturligvis også, for ICEHORSE FESTIVAL fejrer alle de ting, som du elsker højest ved den islandske hest.
Festivalen afholdes i Hal M i MCH Messecenter Herning med stald og opvarmning i Hal Q. ICEHORSE FESTIVAL samarbejder med Dansk Islandshesteforening, som arrangerer en spændende forelæsningsrække – DI Talks, der forgår løbende under festivalen.
Udtagelserne i alle klasser løber fra torsdag til lørdag med finaler og shows lørdag og søndag. DI Talks foredragene er inklusiv i billetprisen og man kan plukke ud i det spændende program og lade sig inspirere og blive klogere. Medlemmer af DI har desuden gratis adgang til DI Talks uden at skulle købe billet til ICEHORSE FESTIVAL.
Se mere om ICEHORSE FESTIVAL på www.icehorsefestival.com og på Facebook.
PartoutbilletterPartoutbilletterne er nummererede, så man sikrer sig sin plads. Ved indgangen bliver ”SPORTI-billetten” ombyttet til armbånd og dette skal bæres synligt og fremvises på forlangende.
Der er 9 forskellige sektioner, der kan købes billet til - se oversigten. På SPORTI kan der kun købes partoutbillet til alle dage.
Der sælges dagsbilletter til ståpladser i sektion 9. Dagsbilletterne er uden fast siddeplads og gældende til ståplads i sektion 9. Du må dog sætte dig på et frit sæde, men siddepladserne er forbeholdt Partoutbilletterne.
Handicap- og ledsagerbilletter
Vi har forhåndsreserveret sæder til gæster med handicap eller særlige behov. Handicap- og ledsagerbilletter bestilles ved direkte henvendelse til info@icehorsefestival.com.
Ryttere og hjælpere
Sektion 1 er reserveret til hjælpere, deltagere m.fl. med særlig adgangsbillet.
Ydermere kan der bestilles VIP-bord med plads ud til ovalbanen. Dette er borde til 6 med frokost og aftensmad lørdag, samt frokost søndag.
Vi tilbyder desuden campingpladser, som du kan booke, når du køber billet.
Opgradering af ryttersiddeplads-billet
Som rytter får man en siddeplads i Ryttersektionen (Sektion 1) med i sin tilmelding. Hertil kan tilkøbes 1 stk. ekstra billet til sin hjælper.
Ønsker man som rytter at sidde med sine venner på publikumssæderne skal man købe en almindelig siddepladsbillet - men man får 50% af prisen på denne refunderet efter tilmelding til sporten. Husk at skrive dit billetnr. i feltet Bemærkninger ved tilmelding.
Hunde er skønne, men har desværre ikke adgang til Icehorse Festivalen
Refundering og aflysning
Billetter og VIP borde refunderes ikke.
Aflysning dækker kun over, at eventet slet ikke gennemføres.
Ændring af dato, delvis gennemførelse eller ændring i repertoiret er ikke at betragte som en aflysning.
Kun arrangøren er ansvarlig i tilfælde af aflysning og kan give tilladelse til, at billetter refunderes. I det tilfælde refunderes billettens pris. Omkostninger som, ekspedition-, ordre- og billetgebyr refunderes ikke.
Stævnet gennemføres under gældende coronalovgivning på det pågældende tidspunkt, såfremt billetkøberen ikke lever op til gældende lovgivning refunderes billetten ikke.
– International World Ranking event for Icelandic horses!
ICEHORSE FESTIVAL is an international WRL-competition for Icelandic horses on an indoor 250 m oval track in Equsana Arena, MCH Messecenter Herning from Thursday the 20th to Sunday the 23rd of March 2025.
At the ICEHORSE FESTIVAL you can experience a fully packed program with around 300 riders from all over Europe in Sport A and Sport B classes. Gorgeous saleshorses, The Sparkel Tölt and interesting lectures. Of course, you can also go shopping for the newest equipment because ICEHORSE FESTIVAL is a celebration of all the things we love the most about the Icelandic horse.
The festival is taking place in exhibition hall M in MCH with stable and warm-up in exhibition hall Q.
The preliminary rounds in all classes are running from Thursday to Saturday with finals and shows Saturday and Sunday. ICEHORSE FESTIVAL is collaborating with the Danish Icelandic horse association "Dansk Islandshesteforening", who is arranging a very interesting program of Drop-in lectures "DI Talks" which is included in the ticket.
Learn more about ICEHORSE FESTIVAL on www.icehorsefestival.com or keep updated on Facebook.
Partout ticketsThe partout tickets are numbered, so that you will know which seat is yours. At the entrance, the "SPORTI ticket" is exchanged for a wristband. You need to wear this visibly and show it if asked to do so.
We have 9 different seating sections for which you can buy tickets - see the overview. On SPORTI, you can buy partout tickets for all days.
Day tickets
Day tickets are stand-up tickets sold for section 9. The day tickets are without a fixed seat and are valid for stand-up in section 9. You may, however, sit on a free seat, but the seats are reserved for the Partout ticket owners.
Handicap and companion tickets
We have pre-booked seats for guests with disabilities or special needs. Handicap and companion tickets can be ordered by direct inquiry to info@icehorsefestival.com.
Riders and helpers
Section 1 is reserved for participants, officials, volunteers and others with a special ticket.
You can also order VIP tables with a very good view of the track. These are tables of 6 with lunch and dinner served on Saturday and lunch on Sunday.
We also offer a campsite on the premises – you can book that when you buy your ticket.
Upgrade of Riders ticket:
As a rider, you get a seat in the Riders section (Section 1) with your registration. In addition, 1 extra ticket can be purchased for your groom.
If you – as a Rider – want to sit among your friends in the public seats, you have to buy a regular seat ticket - but you will receive 50% refund of the price. Remember to write your ticket number in the Comments field when signing up and go to the Info at the festival to get your refund.
Day tickets are sold at the entrance for standing places in section 9. The day tickets are without a fixed seat and valid for standing room in section 9. You can take a sit if the seat is free, but the seats are reserved to the Partouttickets.
Dogs are not allowed.
Refunds and cancellation of the event
Tickets and VIP tables are not refunded.
Cancellation in the sense that the event is not conducted at all. Change of date, partly conduction or changes of the repertoire are not considered a cancellation.
Only the organisers can issue a cancellation and permit refunds of tickets. In this case the ticket price will be refunded. Fees and handling charges are not refunded.
The event is conducted under applicable corona legislation at the time in question, if the ticket buyer does not comply with applicable legislation, the ticket will not be refunded.