VM 2021 World Championships for Icelandic Horses - Exhibition stands

1 - 8 August 2021

Ticket sales are closed

Billetter, camping og udstillerstande bliver refunderet fratrukket et mindre beløb til administrationsomkostninger. Mere info kommer på www.vmdenmark.com.

Verdensmesterskaberne for Islandsheste den 1.-8. august 2021 på Landskuepladsen i Herning.
Det er et stort internationalt event med over 70.000 engagerede tilskuere fra hele verden, der besøger eventet i løbet af ugen.

Pladsen er indrettet med et stort udstillerområde med mange forskellige slags udstillerstande og et stort hyggeligt spiseområde. Det hele er samlet og der skabes derved en hyggelig atmosfære og et godt flow, hvor publikum bevæger sig gennem udstillerområdet fra tribunen til food-området. Derved skabes et konstant flow af besøgende i standene.

Kom og vær med til at skabe verdens hyggeligste hestefest og bestil en eller flere af de mange muligheder for udstillingstande her.

Hvis du har spørgsmål, så skriv til:

I henhold til Forbrugeraftaleloven er køb af rekreative fritidsaktiviteter, herunder underholdnings-, idræts- og lignende kulturbegivenheder ikke omfattet af fortrydelsesretten.
Skulle eventet blive aflyst pga Covid-19 tilbagebetales det indbetalte beløb fratrukket et mindre beløb til administrationsomkostninger.
Såfremt VMDenmark efter påbud fra offentlige myndighederne, force majeure eller andre omstændigheder udenfor arrangørens kontrol bliver udsat, afholdt delvist eller helt opgivet, kan arrangøren ikke gøres ansvarlig overfor økonomiske tab eller forpligtelser man måtte pådrage sig i den forbindelse.

Tickets, camping and exhibitorstands will be refunded reduced a small amount for administration costs. More info will come at www.vmdenmark.com.

The World Championships for Icelandic Horses will take place on August 1-8, 2021 in Herning, Denmark.
It is a prestigious event with approximately 70.000 international visitors at the venue at Landskuepladsen in Herning and they are an attractive and engaged audience.

The site is designed as a market place with food area, so that the audience will walk from the grandstands through the exhibitorarea to the foodarea and back, so the exhibitorarea will be well visited during the day.

VM2021 offer a large variety of exhibiting spaces, so everyone will be able to find a stand that fits their needs and budget.
You have different possibilities to place your products in our exhibition stand area.

If you have any queries, please address them to:

According to Danish law of Consumer Contracts, purchase of recreational activities, including entertainment, sports and similar cultural events are not covered by the right of withdrawal.
Should the event be cancelled due to Covid-19, the amount paid will be refunded reduced a small amount for administration costs.
If the World Championships for Icelandic Horses, following an order from the public authorities, force majeure or other circumstances beyond the organizer's control, is postponed, held partly or completely abandoned, the organizer cannot be held liable for financial losses or obligations incurred in this connection.