Online registration

Get your event on SPORTI

SPORTI is free for event organizers. At the same time, you get a flexible solution where you have many different options for collecting data from your participants.

Flexible forms

SPORTI offers registration forms for many different types of events including running, cycling, speedskating, triathlon, sailing, icelandic horses and hunting. Our forms are very flexible so we can get many different types of data from your participants according to your needs. These options are available at SPORTI:

  • Price periods - the price increases closer to the actual event date
  • Bib numbers - automatic bib number allocation which is printed on receipt
  • Start groups - participants register for predefined start groups (with limits)
  • Extras - sell t-shirts, sandwiches etc.
  • Group discounts
  • Discount codes
  • Membership control
  • License control
  • Mini questionairres - ask questions to your participants

These options can be dependant on the type of event you have. Please contact us if you have any speciel demands.

Payments and SPORTI fees

The participant pay a fee to SPORTI when they register and oay for your event. As an organizer you can decide if the SPORTI fee is to be added to your price or if you will increase your price and thereby hiding the SPORTI fee from the participant.

SPORTI's standard administration fee is DKK 8 - DKK 12 or DKK 16 depending on the total price (including value added tax).

The organizer also pays a credit card fee to Nets/Teller dependant on the choice of credit card used. We accept the most commonly used credit cards including MobilePay.

The payment from the participants is forwarded to your account when the event has begun unless otherwise agreed with SPORTI.

How to get started

Write to us at - we need to sign an agreement as we receive payments on your behalf which we later forward to you.