Rechto Cup 2025

Lørdag den 22. marts 2025

USTC er glade for endnu en gang at kunne byde velkommen til den 46. udgave af Rechto Cup i Aalborg lørdag den 22. marts 2025.

Rechto Cup er en traditionsrig indendørs fodboldturnering for virksomheder med relation til den maritime industri.

Temaet er det samme som de foregående år - nyd en sjov weekend med fodbold, networking og socialt samvær med dine shipping-kolleger og forretningspartnere.

Festen bliver afholdt i den traditionsrige Stadionhal, hvor RechtoCup har været afholdt mere end 30 gange. I stadionhallen kan vi sikre plads til alle, og garanterer en fantastisk fest.

Fodboldturneringen afholdes i SKANSEN i Nørresundby, hvor vi i løbet af lørdagen vil kunne facilitere alle kampe. Det betyder, at INGEN skal spille søndag – og vi garanterer derfor en fantastisk stemning under lørdagens sidste kampe.

Igen i år vil der også være mulighed for at deltage i bordfodbold turneringen, som afvikles samtidig med fodboldturneringen.

For at sikre at så mange selskaber som muligt får mulighed for at spille fodbold har vi sat et max på 2 herrehold per selskab.

Priser inkl. moms:

  • Hold til indendørs fodboldturneringen: kr. 750 (plus kort gebyr) pr. hold
  • Hold til bordfodboldturneringen: Gratis
  • Billet til middag og fest: kr. 750 (plus kort gebyr) pr. person

Vi glæder os meget til at se – og udfordre – jer igen i 2025!

Læs mere om turneringen og hold jer opdateret på turneringens hjemmeside:

Once again USTC is happy to welcome you to the 46th edition of Rechto Cup in Aalborg – date for the event is 22nd of March 2025.

Rechto Cup is an in-door football tournament full of traditions aimed for companies with relation to the maritime industry.

As for the past many years the theme is – enjoy a weekend full of football, networking and social activities with colleagues and business partners in the maritime industry.

The party will take place in Stadionhallen in Aalborg, where the RechtoCup has been held more than 30 times. In Stadionhallen, we can ensure a seat for all participants and guarantee a fantastic party.

The football tournament will take place at SKANSEN arena in Nørresundby, where all matches will be played during Saturday. This means, that no teams are to play on Sunday, and we guarantee an amazing atmosphere during the final matches Saturday afternoon.

Again you will also have the possibility to participate in the table football tournament, which will be held simultaneously with the indoor football tournament

To ensure that all companies get a chance to play in the tournaments, we have set a maximum of 2 mens teams per company.

Prices incl. danish VAT:

  • Team for indoor football tournament : dkk 750 (plus credit card fee) per team
  • Team for table football tournament : free of charge
  • Dinner and party : dkk 750 (plus credit card fee) per person

We are looking forward to see you – and challenge you – again in 2025!

Read more and stay updated on the tournament webpage :



Lerumbakken 11
9400 Nørresundby
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